
Say that, Peter!

1 Peter 1 The Message (MSG) 1  1-2  I, Peter, am an apostle on assignment by Jesus, the Messiah, writing to exiles scattered to the four winds. Not one is missing, not one forgotten. God the Father has his eye on each of you , and has determined by the work of the Spirit to keep you obedient through the sacrifice of Jesus. May everything good from God be yours! A New Life 3-5  What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole. 6-7   I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime. Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering...

Fight or Flight aren't the only answers...Be still...

I've been lamenting about the space I'm in. This blessed me so much to read. Exodus 14:14 "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Commentary: 14:10-14 There was no way open to Israel but upward, and thence their deliverance came. We may be in the way of duty, following God, and hastening toward heaven, yet may be troubled on every side. Some cried out unto the Lord; their fear led them to pray, and that was well. God brings us into straits, that he may bring us to our knees. Others cried out against Moses; fear set them murmuring as if God were not still able to work miracles. They quarrel with Moses for bringing them out of Egypt; and so were angry with God for the greatest kindness ever done them; thus gross are the absurdities of unbelief. Moses says, Fear ye not. It is always our duty and interest, when we cannot get out of troubles, yet to get above our fears; let them quicken our prayers and endeavors, but not silence our faith and hope....

Write Her Off

This is my first post in a long time. I've been inspired to write about my childhood and decided it's time to start. I don't know where this is going but I beleive it's time to write the old me off. I've got to let it all out so I can let it all go and move on from it. My story isn't unlike many other's but it's proof that there is a God and He has been there through all the trials and triumphs. Pray with me about the direction I take.

In Loving Arms

My wonderful family comforted me tonight. They stood around me, holding me, crying with me, praying with me and for me. We praised. We worshipped. I let loose. I'm so grateful to God for lifting up a standard in my time of crisis. He knows what He is doing. I'm so grateful for the people He has placed nearby. He wrapped me in so many loving arms tonight. I will not forget to speak life over myself and my child. I will not allow shame to silence me. You will get the glory. I will continue to pursue you and with more zeal than ever before. Forgive me for doubting even in the least. You are bigger than I've made you. Thank you. Lord. I love you.

Dear Future Husband

To My Dear Future Husband, You are someone who values me. I see you as someone who is particular for good reason. I see you as someone who says what he means and I feel like you are stable minded and consistent. You have no idea how I’ve prayed for someone with your characteristics to come in to my life. I am drawn to you and you to me. You’re intuitive. We're alike in that way. At times that makes me feel vulnerable because I want to be strong in your eyes but you ensure I'm not weak and you praise me for all the good. Even when I’m smiling on the outside you can read right through me. You know exactly when I need a special touch of comfort. You prove to me beyond surface level flattery that you’re near, that your love is intentional and reaches further than I imagine. You pray for me. We pray together. We worship together. We serve together. You know the perfect amount of space to give and take.  I feel like I’m looking in the mirror and I see you and we are p...

New Psalm – a Love letter to God

You know your creation very well. So intimately you reside. You send me love, light to share, joy to feel, comfort and healing, loving kindness as grace, understanding and mercy.  You’re the professor of my life; in You is all I need to know. Skillfully you formulate every detail of my being. Your hands are like no other. Masterfully you weave, skillfully and intelligently you devise every fabric of my life. Then who more should I trust? You are the most high power, being, spirit, life and truth. You are in everything, you have all the power and yet you give me room to move and grow. You have faith in me. Your sweet spirit blankets me and permeates all that surrounds me. I see you in everything and I can’t wait to see everything you have in store for me. I want more of you. My, God, why am I worthy of this? I adore you. Have all of me. by Anna M.P. 

Drifting from "The Heart of Worship"

Somewhere in between the desire to serve and getting things done, ministry has become a to-do list and filing system. Singing praises has become a rehearsal date and an all day obligation come Sunday. With good intentions in tow I've drifted from the heart of worship feeling further from God. My worship has become a predictable offering and not a surrender. Don't get me wrong, I am a worshiper by design and experience the presence of God (only by His grace) but I'm certain there's more of me He desires to get a hold of but it has to be by my submission not force. A check-list and full calendar of to-do's designated for "kingdom work" is no longer cutting it. I could be comfortable right where I am but there has to be more of me to give in spirit. There's more He's placed in me to redeem. Clearly in order to deepen my worship with my life I have to make choices to surrender my life for His purpose. That's a no-brainer at this point in m...