Time Travel
If you could do something all over again knowing what you know now, what would it be? You know you've played this game! Some of us say we'd change nothing and others have a laundry list of should-coulda-wouldas! Oowee. You ever see that movie Sliding Doors? Gwenyth Paltrow's character plays a woman who boards a train. Simple and almost boring, right? Not. The movie goes in to how her life would be different if she would've missed the train. Throughout the movie you see her living both lives. It's fascinating! Why is it so fascinating to imagine how we'd be different today if we made a different choice? God gave me a big eraser and is allowing me to have fun with it! He's fighting back for me the years I lost... Example of years I've gotten back: 16.5 the number of years my son has been alive - the son I birthed at 17 came to God with His life and has accelerated in his purpose. I always worried how I would make it and what my children would do because I can't give them all that o
ther children have from a household of two. God has made it clear that I can trust Him with my children. I've never seen my child so clear of what he wants to do and I am telling you folks, I forsee a huge success in my child. I can't say I knew that just last year. This worry is gone. 11 the number of years I spent in an unhealthy out-of-wedlock relationship - with God in my life it was necessary for me to forgive. I was able to go to the very people that tore my "then" life apart and say to them I forgive you. Not only did it make up for years I lost, imagine the years it will add to them knowing all is forgiven. There is peace and power in that. The years weren't wasted because I was able to display forgiveness and humility. It became a teaching moment and didn't live on as it was. That totals 17.5 years. That makes me, IN SPIRIT, redeemed to age 15 and 1/2! If that didn't excite you, check your pulse! I could keep going. If I did it would add up to way before I was ever conceived. It would reach in to my grandmother's, grandmother's womb! You see - God can remove generational chains.... Restore the Years! Coming from Joel 2 today!
Joel 2:25 Then I will make up to you for the years That the swarming locust has eaten, The creeping locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust, My great army which I sent among you.

I just thank you, Lord! I don't need to Time Travel - God's unfailing promises are no joke. He can take your past out of your mind, body, and spirit. All the devouring situations can be healed when walking His way.
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