Seriously, Mom? I love you!

Coming from Exodus 20:21 today! Exodus 20:21 "Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee ." My mother is hilarious! Where to begin? Let me tell you about her altar. It's adorned with Catholic style goodies. There's the crucifix, saints, blessed oil, food offering, the Lord is my Shephard rug, a picture of Jesus wearing the crown of thorns, a rosary and a wall of inspirational and religious pamphlets. Walking in to her room where this altar lives is like woh! What Filipino home is complete without one? She has a bible the size of a suitcase on her coffee table too! She is equipped for some serious get down on the Jesus tip.
Mother Tid-bits...
The Tagalog language doesn't use he and she so she is always calling me a he and her grandsons she. It's confusing! Oh and when she tells stories with numbers in it she always holds up the wrong number of fingers! Mom was telling me stories about my siblings. She said my brother would run around the house with his sword singing this theme song "Dud dud dud dud dud dud dud dud Buttman!" Uh - mom? You mean Batman, right? That accent! She told me this joke: There was a Filipino man testing for his citizenship. The instructor asked the man to use the words deduct, defense, defeat, and detail in a sentence. The Filipino man took a minute to think and replied: "Deduct jumped ober defense, defeat first, detail last!"
Typical duologue...
"Hey mom, what are you doing?" "I'm folding shits." "What?" "I'm folding shits." ...sheets people.... "Nenut, give me that thing ober dare." "What thing, mom?" "That thing" "What thing?" "That thing on top of that ober dare!!" "Huh?" She begins to point with her lips. Wow! She used to have a machete for cutting through chicken bones and disciplining children.
A VERY SHORT featuring my mother!

I just love my mother. We've been through a lot in this life together but through it all we have kept our joy! It's a blessing to see her humor and talent shine through adversity.


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