Shame On You Child! Your Fault Not Mine!

So what does the Bible say about sexual immorality? 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 (NIV) it says: "18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. How powerful and clear it is. All other sins a person commits are outside the body but whoever sins sexually sins against their own body! One thing that comes to mind is that drugs are put in to the body so how is sex different when it too is introduced to the body? I'll have to ask one of the Deacons at my church. Anyway, so whose fault is it really if a child is introduced to sex at an early age due to another person's sin? What if it's generational? Sin is deep and I believe it can set off a cascading effect reaching further than we can imagine. With everything said and done what left is there to do but repent? Funny how God hooks things up. I bring my children to a teen Purity conference at our church hoping for a good Word for them, coming to find out it wasn't only for them! I was sitting up in a room with adults ranging from 12-20 years older than me and they were discussing youth and abortions. Being that, before I was saved, I've participated in such an act, I was quiet and observing what their thoughts were. Old feelings of shame began to surface. Perhaps they aren't old at all and maybe they're simply unaddressed issue. Anyway, I started to remember how I felt when I became pregnant at 16. No one comforted me. No one encouraged me to stay on course despite the added responsibility. I was left feeling like a dirty secret back then. I'm beginning to think I still feel that way but in a subconscious manner. See folks, this is the kind of thing sexual immorality can cause. Uncertainty of self, deep-rooted emotional stigma, and come to think about it maybe I'm a bit resentful that the adults were quick to blame and not take responsibility for their lack of training us up in the way we should go. Right now I release that resentment in the name of Jesus! Lord forgive them as I know now I need to forgive them. All I can say about it now is it is what it is and I know my God to make a way out of no way and He is able to take my life and use it before the people as an example. I want to submit to His will when it comes to this subject matter. I'm feeling inclined to work with youth. They flock to me and I believe there's something to that. The inner child in me is something their spirits can sense. If I can get close to them and minister to them I can use everything in my life, including my own sin as example, to make a difference for God's kids. Recently, I woke up out of sleep in prayer and it came to me that maybe I really should consider working with youth and I asked God - "If I'm on to something God, if this is true, hook me up, let me know!" I sleep next to an open Bible. Same page every day. However the morning after all this went down, I sit up from bed and the corner of my eye caught something that isn't usually there. It was a picture in the Bible of Jesus surrounded by children. If that isn't confirmation than I don't know what is. GOD IS AWESOME. Now I have to trust him and not be afraid. I don't know what I'm doing and almost feel like I have no right being that my children can't get it together! I know though - that God works His wonders and I'm going to lean on Him for guidance. Be blessed and don't be afraid to share your story with others. Yes, I've been arhboring shame in my heart for having kids at such a young age but world get over it because I'm getting over it and I'm going to use it to glorify God! The great thing about this is I can relate to the youth and I can do something kids love: singing! I think I'll use that route first and see where it takes me. P.S. - For the Youth that may be reading this. Don't think since someone went and had sex and can still find reason that it may be ok in the end that you should go on and do it! WAIT!


  1. Loving it! Wow! It is soooo amazing how God works. Thank you for sharing your feelings and how by God, you are getting over it and that the world needs to get over it. This blog is awesome!


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