My Voice, My Own Song, My Offering of Worship

Last December God spoke to me. "Get ready to serve, Anna." My first reaction was and still is a classic reaction we have to our call to serve; "Lord, I am not worthy." "I don't have it." "I don't know enough about you, Lord." "I am afraid." "What if I fail?" So much time being spent in a tug of war between His will and my own knowing that one day He may let go of the rope leaving me to fall and left with a decision to make. Do I grab a hold of the lifeline or do I forfeit?

Two prophets have spoke to me about the ministry inside of me. The first said "You have a powerful ministry inside of you and you don't even know it." My response was "I'm beginning to know." I was trying to convince myself at that point. The second prophet said "God says to not worry, He will make everything perfect concerning you, Everything you have prayed for, everything you haven't as well. Stop hiding in the corner, don't compare yourself to others. Your voice is how He made it. Your spirit is different than everyone in this place."

God doesn't see me as I see myself. He knows my destination. He knows the journey. He knows who He made. God is there as we depart from ourselves, our will. He mounts us up on wings. He greets us at our destination. So why should we fear if we believe this to be true?

Now it's my responsibility to get ready. What does this mean to me? Dive into the Word of God, meditate on it, share it, and let it be a living and moving part of my everything. Tap in to the spirit of God and the testimony in my life. I have a story to share. Find the words. Paint a picture with it and your voice. Pray without ceasing. Make requests of the Lord. Acknowledge Him in all things. Worship Him in spirit and truth. Surrender my all. Do not fear. For this is my voice, my own song, my offering of worship unto the Lord. It is sincere and pure. Don't just say that, get a hold of it and truly believe it.

I have faith He will be with me every step of the way because He is faithful. I don't know where He is taking me but I will follow. I don't want to spend anymore time doubting myself. This is unfamiliar territory but God, here is my heart and my life. It's time for me to set out on the journey. May it glorify your name.

Here I go...


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