Play date with the Rock

Better beat the street lights home. Nobody waited. Just figured it was right to do. Morning comes. Back at cinder. Never got old. One time I got stung by a beetle. That's what I got for wandering off to the desert behind cinder. Ok, the desert wasn't a real desert, just fill dirt. Still, couldn't tell me different. Was always bad when I'd wander from cinder. Smoked on a pack down the street in the shed. Got to fighting too. Neighbor hit me with a golf club. She still has the bite mark. Saw it 2 years ago. Still makes me laugh. Neighbor rode his bike smack dab in to the middle of cinder. That's what he gets for showing off his bike. Probably didn't help that my brothers threw newspaper in his face while he was riding. Still makes me laugh. Don't remember when I stopped playing with cinder. They built new trailers. Fill dirt gone. Maybe with cinder.
28 years later...
So I figured out what it was that kept me going back to that cinder block. Man, so many memories in that neighborhood but the most vivid are with that cinder block! It's where God met me every day. You see, God has been watching over me even back when I was a wee little one oblivious to their existence. They watched over me when no one else did. God was ministering to my spirit even then, making sure I kept my mind dancing with the possibilities no matter what it looked like in those times. Hunger, loneliness, neglect, abuse, poverty, and many other things a child shouldn't know. Thank you God for our play dates! Now that I am aware of how your presence feels I can testify that it was your spirit with me then and at that place. I can't stop thinking about it. You were there...long before I came to Christ, you were there...thank you for your grace, mercy, wisdom, and patience! You are my comforter, counselor, baby sitter, food, therapy, my right now, and my everything. For this I worship you! I adore you! I live for you. In MY famous words, "I LOVE THE LORD!" It's so much funnier when you hear me do it folks, I promise!
Be encouraged that He is there. He's there when you are oblivious. He's there when you've checked out. He's there when you live for Him and feel like He has abandoned you. He is always there. He is all knowing, never changing, and faithful!
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