Beyonce, I Was Here, too!

Beyonce's song, I Was Here, reminds me of two things; the age long question of mankind's purpose and of Scripture. PLAY THE SONG WHILE YOU READ!


Matthew 5:14-15
  14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

The Song:
The lyrics seem like a sort of meditation on purpose. It's like a self-convincing statement. I almost feel like she's saying these are my good deeds. Look and see, this is why I am a good person. I get a loose feeling that she believes in something bigger than her. Although she doesn't live her entire life in front of me, and this is only something I can speculate, it does not appear she is living her life for God through the spirit. The song almost seems like self reassurance. I don't write this to hate on her. Not at all. I actually pray she will take her power, money and talent and give it to God to build His kingdom! I write this to tell you there's purpose and all things aren't in vain when we do it in the name of Jesus!

I found my journals dating back to 2002; my "footprints in the sand." Reading, I laid amazed. Did I truly know who I was praying to and making requests from? It's 2011 and I can only claim to have been saved since 2010. How then in 2002 was I requesting prayer from the "Lord" and expressing how blessed I was?

Still trying to wrap my head around it, one observation, we can know He is there, feel Him, pray to Him, make requests from Him, and still not have relationship or be saved. Was I saved then? I don't know if me merely talking to Him was my act of faith and belief but I don't ever recall accepting or professing Christ as my Lord and Savior with my mouth. 

John 14:6  Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." Jesus said he is the life. This means he tells us how to live, how to get the most out of life, and how to have eternal life. The world is filled with voices claiming to have the things that will fill our lives with happiness and fun or give meaning to our existence. Don't settle for what the world has to offer. Real life with meaning, purpose, and power id found only in the source of life: Jesus Christ. Without him there is no life. (commentary from Tyndale publisher, NIV Bible)

Back in the day before accepting Christ, I had a constant bleeding feeling, (for you who know the story, I was the woman with the issue of blood) that I was in search of something. I was lost and there was more that I desired to connect with. My purpose being one. Although I prayed to the "Lord" I guess I hadn't crossed the threshold of acceptance. Oh how God waited so patiently for me to come around and request a relationship with Him. No longer am I a distant admirer. 

We can live lives full of good deeds. We can be wonderful people. Caring and giving to others.  I too, like Beyonce, want the world to know I Was Here, but my life and it's record will show the world, I was Here and God was in Me, through His Spirit and acceptance of His son Jesus Christ!

The journal:
January 2, 2002 - I feel pretty good today....Thank you Lord for everything in my life. I feel blessed.
January 7, 2002 - Sorry I know I missed five days...I don't want to fail. I really want this for my family...Please Lord give me the strength to succeed...
January 26, 2002 - I know it's been a long time since I've written...good news, I'm down a size. It's snowing today. It's beautiful. Relaxing with family. I am so very grateful for the things that I have and for the people in my life. Thank you Lord for your many blessings...
March 14, 2002 - I was sitting...thinking how I haven't written in so long...I'm disappointed...please Lord give me the strength and motivation...
April 21, 2002 - ...losing Hiram has brought a whole lot of things to light. I don't want to take things for granted. I want every day of my life to count. I'm scared....oh Lord please keep my family and children safe. Please give us strength to change our lives for the better and please keep us healthy so we can have bright futures.
December 25, 2004 - Wow, so much has happened since I wrote...
February 11, 2009 - I've grown so much as a person...definitely a lot wiser and getting connected to my faith.

That is a tiny record of 7 years. I literally went from writing loosely to an entire 5 year gap. Funny how we can forget the source and delay the work God has begun in us. We let life consume us.We think we have it handled spiritually and even religiously figured out, and besides, why don't we, we're moving along? That must have been my attitude.

Additionally, if I was praying to the Lord, making requests, acknowledging He was there...why wasn't I saved? Why didn't I have a relationship with Him? It seems like I treated God like a lucky fountain I could throw pennies in and cross my fingers for my wish to come true instead of drinking from His well of life!

I now have a "blood" relationship with God. I have accepted that his son, Christ, shed his blood for my freedom. Freedom from all the things that have and will try to bind me. I  feel complete. I am complete. I have purpose because I have Jesus. I am now equipped.

Don't wait any longer. As for me, I'm going to live my life for God and everyone will know, I Was Here and God was in me.

With all my love,

DISCLAIMER! I don't claim to be a keyboardist! LOL! Here's a little ditty for you. It should make you giggle a little! Beyonce's - "I Was Here" by BirdyWordy!

This blog post is meant to meet you where you are at with all my love. It was thoughtfully adapted to Beyonce's song "I Was Here" and Word inspiration comes from God's book of Matthew 5:14-15.


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