Drifting from "The Heart of Worship"
Somewhere in between the desire to serve and getting things done, ministry has become a to-do list and filing system. Singing praises has become a rehearsal date and an all day obligation come Sunday. With good intentions in tow I've drifted from the heart of worship feeling further from God. My worship has become a predictable offering and not a surrender. Don't get me wrong, I am a worshiper by design and experience the presence of God (only by His grace) but I'm certain there's more of me He desires to get a hold of but it has to be by my submission not force. A check-list and full calendar of to-do's designated for "kingdom work" is no longer cutting it. I could be comfortable right where I am but there has to be more of me to give in spirit. There's more He's placed in me to redeem. Clearly in order to deepen my worship with my life I have to make choices to surrender my life for His purpose. That's a no-brainer at this point in m...