Facebook Wastebook

I decided to use Facebook sparingly but before it's official I had to grab some of my favorite statuses. Facebook is a great way to stay connected. A great marketing tool but when sharing your inner dealings, it can get messy. Between the crazy family leaving even crazier comments and the folks whose world falls apart when you delete them, I'd rather not! Truly there has been people who act as if deleting them from your Facebook is equivalent to deleting them from your life! Over it.
I wake up with praises in my mouth - like all night and in the morning. I keep waking up singing too!
I think we can all relate to Moses in Exodus 4:10-16. He's having a conversation with God about how he thinks he isn't equipped to do what God told him to do. God assures him He has it all worked out and all Moses needs to do is go. HELLO! Sounds like a lot of us - second guessing our call! UGH! Well - I'm sure of mine now!
I posted my first YouTube video as part of a way to reach out to young people about Jesus. One of the teens that have watched in boxed me. Her mother has had cancer 4 times and it doesn't look good. She is very vulnerable right now and seems to be considering getting back in to a bad relationship. We have to lift up our teens. Pray for "sbmuzik." Thank you saints.
My prayer is that what was deposited in me at the water will be used to build up our church and my ministry. I don't want to have sipped from His well and walk away from it not to share what was given to me when there are so many thirsty people out there...
My son said to me: "Mom, I don't want to sip from a straw. I want to drink from the cup!" We both were tripping at the power of that statement. I told him it reminds me of faith. He did say once before that he can see himself as an "inspirational speaker." Hmmmm...
I'm trying to encourage my cat to convert. You think 'm playing? You would think I'm crazy but I'm so serious right now!
I'm siting in service thinking about how I don't quite understand what I am experiencing that I wish I could articulate it with my mouth the very things dropping in to my spirit and He said "You can with song." This may seem obvious to others but until you know for yourself....well...and with that I know He is doing a work...self-worth.
Even when I don't receive you Lord, you speak in to me so that I stay encouraged. That the day I receive you Lord I will say it was you, it was you.
I hear you Lord. In my spirit you are resounding. What might I share that they may believe that they too can be free?
No harm can fall upon me that you have not armed me for you are my shield. I just want to thank you for who you are.
Ask not. Have not. Well I asked and He poured out in to me. If I had to count the numbers of songs that came out of me tonight I'd say 20. I asked Him what is your vision for me. He said "Write Anna." I couldn't stop! AND THEN to witness confirmation after confirmation - I am outdone.
For the last month the Lord's Prayer has been everywhere. In church, in my dreams, in a lot of what I read...so I looked up the significance...I found Jesus taught it to outline an accurate path towards God. I know I'm going through a transition...we'll see how this plays out :) God is calling me higher. That I am sure of.
Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome is insane.
I trust God because He is able. Who better to seek counsel from?
Listen, God is my employer. He is my boss. Everything on Earth is under His command so I don't worry because I understand man is flawed and I have sincere mercy in my heart even for folks that do wrong.
Don't even entertain it. "Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down." (Proverbs 26:20)
About the Word of God- "Meditation (on it) is to the soul what digestion is to the body." So if you aren't taking in the Word, you aren't digesting it and no nourishment is being received. Wouldn't that result in certain starvation? Ooowee.
I'm blown away with God's timing. You get to thinking on things, praying for things to come to fruition, and in a blink of an eye you see your prayers come to life right before your eyes. This is a blessed life with Christ that I am happy to live. Seeing others growing in Christ is everything to me!
Last year was about evaluation. This year is about all kinds of "tions;" motivation, application, restoration, anti-procrastination, etceteration...
I see