Am I Giving God My All?

Guess I better start with not comparing myself to what others are doing for God. Instead start an inventory on the gifts God gave me and ask myself if I'm using them for His purpose and at the capacity He desires..

I sing in 2 choirs at church and am on the Worship & Praise team.
I post singing videos to YouTube about my faith.

I am the choir assistant for my church choir.
I assist the Minister of Music with administrative duties.

Technical & Arts
I offer my artistic and technical skills to about 8 different groups at church for their ministry needs.
I am one of the web masters for my church.

I rewrite popular secular songs in to songs about Christ and share them with my YouTube audience.
I keep a few Blogs: My experience and growth in Faith, My Weight loss journey and Bible Study lessons.

In conversation, in videos, in blogs, and in singing I share this gift. I am a walking well of encouragement.

Am I lazy, resistant, not knowing or not using them to capacity? Maybe I'm using them but have imposed my own limits to them. I've just had a revelation as I'm writing this.....

I think there's a minister inside of me. I almost get the feeling I know in which area. Single parents and their children.

Man, God has a way of taking us places we NEVER saw coming. I'm going to be prayerful about this and continue to study and fast. Who knows what will happen. Revelation, realization, preparation, manifestation.

What better way to use me. Single teenage mother whose fought adversity and has the trust of her peers and  has the attention of children and youth.


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